Monday, March 5, 2012

My dog talks

My dog talks

I was taking my dog Ollie for a walk. When he started talking and related his past life, where he lived, also that he wanted to visit his “mum and dad” in England, so I asked my mom and dad if I could go to England with my dog for a school project. And they said yes.

While I was on the plane an amazing thing happened. Ollie was talking to me in my mind! I wouldn't believe it if I had not heard him myself! My dog talked in a British accent and remarked,” how do you do right now? I think better than me. It’s so cramped and dark in this cage I hope we land soon.”

We did land soon. I got Ollie from the baggage claim counter, and he told me where to go, which way to turn etc. Soon we ended up at a house, and luckily my parents knew the hosts. We decided to stay there for the night. I heard a conversation between Ollie and his mom and dad about his time in California and how their lives were going, it was so cool! Then we said goodbye after breakfast and went to see the Buckingham palace. And surprisingly my dog knew the Queen’s dog Swift! So we stayed there for the next night because the Swift was bored, so we let them play with each other. Soon we where driving to the airport to go back home. And boy did it give me a story to write about!

The end.

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